One of the all-time best monster movies, KING KONG is a mammoth landmark in film history. A film crew sets off for an uncharted island in search of a mysterious entity called Kong; they discover Kong is a gigantic gorilla which they capture and bring to New York for exhibition. Using groundbreaking special effects and powerful storytelling, this film has thrilled audiences for over 90 years.
About the Score. KING KONG is recognized as having one of the 25 greatest film scores in history by the American Film Institute, and its composer Max Steiner is frequently hailed as "the father of film music." His score for the film is revolutionary, marking a significant advancement in modern film scoring techniques. The score for KING KONG was pioneering in several respects: it was the first feature-length musical score created for an American "talkie," the first major Hollywood production to employ a thematic score instead of mere background music, the first to utilize a 46-piece orchestra, and the first to be recorded on three distinct tracks (sound effects, dialogue, and music). Furthermore, Steiner's composition signified a transformative moment in the scoring of fantasy and adventure films, a legacy that can be seen in contemporary blockbusters through the use of dissonance and leitmotifs.
Director Merian C. Cooper, Ernest B. Schoedsack
Cast Fay Wray, Robert Armstrong, Bruce Cabot
Country USA
Language English
Aspect 1.33